Monday 17 December 2012

music magazine research

Music Magazine Research
Our next Media task is to create a music magazine based around a chosen genre of music.
I personally listen to a large range of music from rock to witch house and synth pop music, to narrow down what genre of music that I choose to base my magazine around I will try to research a range of different genres so I have quite a few options to choose from.

Rock Magazines
The images of rock magazine covers that I found generally were designed to represent the stereotypical "Rock" community and target audience, the covers of the magazines had a tough, edgy appearance and featured bold yet moody and dark colour schemes. The fonts used were stylised to look worn out and bold.
One thing that I did notice about the magazines was the covers changed with each different cover star, perhaps because they each created a different atmosphere on a cover due to the kind of music that they produced. For example the Kerrang cover above featured Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars, the colour schemes and fonts used on this particular cover were quite clean cut and futuristic, reflecting the attitudes of the band.

Electronic/Dance Magazines
Electronic/synth and dance magazines all have very bright and colourful front covers, often with pictures of people dancing and partying which reinforces the idea that people who listen to synth/electronic music party hard. The fonts that are used are very futuristic and bold, exaggerating the 'electronic' theme.

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