Monday 15 April 2013

Grunge rock, where it all started

Grunge Rock
In the process of creating a Grunge Rock magazine it only figures to do research into the history and beginnings of Grunge Rock.
We all know of grunge bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, but not many know where the style of grunge bloomed from, this is where I began my research.
The most famous of the Grunge Rockers?
I strated my research online, first searching "Grunge", this is what I found:
Wikipedia: Grunge (sometimes referred to as Seattle-sound) is a subgenre of Alternative Rock that emerged during the mid 1980's in the American state of Washington.
Grunge rock is inspired by hardcore punk, heavy metal and indie rock, grunge is generally characterized by heavily distorted electic guitars and apathetic or angst-filled lyrics etc.
Many grunge musicians were noted for their unkempt appearances and rejection of theatrics.
I found that Grunge was very similar to Punk in the sense that both the music genres shared a raw sound, similar lyrical concerns and clothing style. The general feel of the Grunge culture is that of anarchy and youth rebellion, not stylishness or luxury suggested by other genres of music.
But this is not to say that grunge rock bands were lazy teenagers, grunge concerts were well known for being straightforward, high energy performances. They rejected the idea of high budget, complex performances of many other genres of music and stuck to a very simple, almost garage/backyard type of performance.
It is this attitude of grunge rockers that I want to show in my magazine through photography, fonts and coverlines. I believe that a grunge rock magazine will be very edgy yet not too stylised, a grunge rockers fundimental atmosphere is that they do not care for the complexities of social media and fashion. This is highly important for me to address because otherwise, I would be rejecting most beliefs of a grunge rocker, therefore not creating a grunge rock magazine.

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